Dr. Vladislav Deigin is the founder of Manus Pharmaceuticals (Canada)Ltd., Peptos Pharma ltd. (Russia), and Pharma Bio Ltd. (Russia).

Dr. Deigin is the driving force behind the scientific research in peptide-based preparations for the drug IP held by Manus.

Dr. Deigin has over 45 years of experience in scientific research in bioorganic chemistry, experimental immunology, and neuropeptides.

Dr. Deigin was granted the Doctor of Sciences in Biology and Immunology in 2000 and received his Ph.D. in Bioorganic Chemistry and Biotechnology in the world renowned Shemyakin and Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He is Professor at Russian Academy of Sciences.

Dr. V. Deigin is the author of over 150 scientific publications and over 70 different international patents for inventions in biotechnology, peptide chemistry, and HPLC.

Dr. Deigin was the Deputy Minister of the Public Health of the Russian Federation from 1990 to 1992 and a Member of the Innovation Committee of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation (parliamentary adviser) from 1992 to 1993.

Peptides regulate various biochemical reactions in living organisms and serve as potential prototypes for numerous peptide preparations. The research strategy of the Manus team is dedicated to peptide activities in the following areas:


First-generation pharmaceutical preparations have been prepared based on extracts of peptides from the thymus and other immunoregulating
mammalian organs. Exploring this technology, we invented and developed, in collaboration with other scientists, the first unique
pharmaceutical, THYMOGEN – an immunomodulator approved for treating immunodeficient-related diseases. THYMOGEN was patented in
15 world-leading countries and had been selling on the Russian market since 1990.


We have explored several in Vitro and Vivo tests for the Structure-Functional Study of the Glu-Trp peptide family. As a result, we discovered that
L-Glu–L-Trp and structural and optical D-isomer D-Glu–D-Trp have different effects on hemopoietic progenitor and immunocompetent cells in
vitro and in vivo: the enantiomeric molecule pairs (Thymogen and Thymodepressin) acted in strictly opposite directions at systemic application.
The results provide a novel example of such an unusual phenomenon as the reciprocal bioactivity of the enantiomeric chemical preparations. Based
on this unknown biological effect, we have developed the new peptide immunosuppressor Thymodepressin


The first generation of the immune- and hemoregulatory p ep tid e s – Thymogen and Thymodepressin have created the background for the
breakthrough in peptide drug development.
It is well known that the significant disadvantage of peptide preparations, low stability at non-invasive methods of administration, limits the use of
these class compounds in medical practice. To overcome these complications, Manus has developed a novel platform technology to explore the
branched 2 , 5 – d i k e t o p i p e r a z i n e ( DKP) derivatives of all LL-analogs of L-Glu–L-Trp-OH and DD-analogs of D- Glu(D-Trp-OH)-OH.
Th e p latf o r m in c lu d es a d ik e top ip e r a zin e s caf f old w ith “b u ilt – in ” f u n ction all y a c tiv e p ep tid e f r ag me n ts cov al en tl y a tta c h ed via
lin k ers .